Rebellious Emotional Memories v0.7 now available!

Hello everyone! This is a very short devlog today, so pardon the casual language.

I'd like to apologize once again for being so late with the complete game; we ran into several production issues during the period and had to address them before being able to get REM to a fully-playable state.

Today, we're able to release a version of REM which can be played from start to finish mostly as intended! The combat sysytem, especially with bosses, and the special move of one character will likely still have some technical issues or be incomplete, but everything else should largely work.

Here's the official changes:

  • All UI/sequence bugs from prior versions squashed
  • Fixed various crashes in Marisa's house
  • Fixed crash involving the axe event
  • Added back in the random battles in overworld as intended 
  • Fixed HP issues 
  • Player now heals before every boss battle 
  • Playable from start to finish [yay!]

If there are any bugs, please let us know so we can patch them into the next edition of the game.

-- junejijo, on behalf of BakaBaku Circle


REM Demo (Jam Version 0.1) 246 MB
95 days ago
Rebellious-Emotional-Memories 383 MB
89 days ago

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